My Martial Journey

Hey Y'all, (down in NC right now)

Several months ago I began to write a journal on my computer after every Aikido class to just help me to recall what took place in class and reflect. From time to time I would like to share my reflections with everyone and my thoughts are certainly open for discussion as it will help me to distill my experiences in Aikido. This is the first time I have ever done anything like this so here we go.

I am down in NC right now visiting my folks and conducting some concerts with student orchestras. I always find it refreshing to work with youth because they are so open and free. This element of freedom is something that I struggle with in Aikido. Before I left Toledo on my travels we had an advanced Aikido class that was very intense. Sensei kept saying to me “You need to be willing to die” another words (I hope) that I need to let go. It is hard to find that line. I invariably, would “try harder” but that is not the solution.

The other common thread that came out of the class was that I need to connect better to my partner’s hara and center. I disengage too soon. There were different feelings that were happening that I didn’t know how to stay connected. But that connection point is critical in order for me to stay safe.

It was a hard class because everyone was so skilled at Aikido. There was a certain amount of frustration that was building up for me during the class. I wasn’t “Getting It” but do we ever really get it. This is the path and not a destination.

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