My Martial Journey

Tonight was Aikido class and Zendo time at the dojo for me. I was really in the mood for a vigorous workout and that is what I got. Following our warm up we went into some kokyu nage (breath throws) experiences. Through kokyu nage I learn about timing, positioning and trying to unbalance uke. When uke would perform men tsuki (punch to the head) I need to get into a safe position, connect and control uke’s balance. But what I find to be an important part of Aikido training is moving using the one point.
The one point is about 2-3 inches below the navel and by focusing on the one point it helps to create a very calm and powerful feeling during movement which is very helpful to performing Aikido. This one point has probably been the most helpful aspect of Aikido for me when I am in front of an orchestra. For me, this is easier to explain than to perform. I can sometimes be the comic book super hero “Spasmo” on the mat at times! This one point concept also helps one to “let go” which you will see to be a theme that I struggle with on my journey down the Aikido way. Letting go was problematic when we practiced koshi nage (hip throws) in class tonight. When I am uke I seem to attach my mind around not wanting to get thrown and to hit the ground That attachment causes me to hit the ground even harder when I resist. MOLTO OUCH!
In general, when I am uke and my feet leave the ground is when I lose the feeling of the one point. Some of my friends in the dojo get thrown and fly through the air, spin to the right, then make a left turn, have a sip of tea, check their email, all before landing gently like a feather upon the mat. And you know who you are! LOL But I digress, I will continue to practice and I may not land like a feather but I would settle for landing like a mattress someday! Sensei also mentioned this idea of dukka while we were on the mat. Dukka comes from the Four Noble Truths and refers to “Unsatifactoriness”. From the stand point of the mat dukka refers to not getting stuck in the way a technic is performed. It has to do with attachment. Whether it is attachment in how I fall, or how the music should sound, or how I look, etc that mental attachment creates dukka.

This leads to our Zendo session this evening. Following the chanting and zazen (meditation) for me, the lesson centered around being stuck in one’s life. Being stuck does not refer to overcoming challenges as much being stuck or trapped in one’s life. So often we become attached to elements or things in our lives. It reminds me of the TV show Desperate Housewives in the sense these women on the show have it all, looks, husbands, houses, cars, and yet they are stuck and unhappy in their lives. Accept stuckness and then do something about it. For me, not to get stuck in the trappings of success. Getting unstuck does not have to do with getting or buying more stuff, I get unstuck through zazen (meditation). I get unstuck through looking inside MYSELF! Holding up the mirror of zazen and taking a good honest look at what I am about and doing something about it.

That is all for now. These are just my impressions and are neither right nor wrong. I am headed to London see you “Chaps” when I get back.

Peace to you all,

The Maestro


  1. I too went through a period of feeling very uncentered when being thrown - In fact I remember hoping quite often that the evenings keiko concluded without any rolls. I still remember the day that I decided to let go of any thoughts that would hinder my progress and chose the trial by fire route by having senpai Danny throw me numerous times until I'd had enough. After that inner battle was fought it gradually became easier to let go of any prohibitive attachments. Granted I'm still not comfortable breakfalling on pavement however maybe if I in vision a feather floating beforehand . . .


  2. Nice posting, Maestro-san!

    I don't know about my fellow aiki-colleagues, but personally I don't have time to check my e-mail when I am in the air. However, like Usain Bolt, I indeed take pleasure in posing in front of the crowds, looking at the competition behind me, and then eyeing at the photographers and pounding my chest before crossing the finish line - er, I mean - before landing on the mat ;)

    No seriously, the keys to taking good ukemi - especially if you're aiming for those spectacular, breathtaking, "landing-like-a-feather" breakfalls - are 1) trusting yourself and 2) losing yourself at the moment. After taking ukemi numerous times, your body will develop muscle memory so that it will know how to land with any type of throw. Therefore , it is important to trust yourself and your ability to land safely. Next, it is also important to avoid anticipating or worrying about how you will be thrown or what will happen to you after being thrown. If you worry or anticipate, then you will completely miss the experience and the essence of the technique, not to mention actually putting yourself at risk of injury. Instead, let go of any attachments that you may have and just go with the flow. To put into terms that you may understand, let the music unfold on its own and savor the experience and feeling that the composition in the form of aikido technique evokes.

    I hope this helps. Have fun in the UK!

    -Andre ("Muketsu")

  3. Overcoming so many barriers in Aikido (I find) is a combination of focus and relaxation. Most of my botched Ukemi can be attributed to tension, whether in the body or the mind.
