My Martial Journey

Back from NC and had a wonderful time making music with some very talented young people. Made it back to the mat and in Aikido class following the warm up we worked on some kokyu nage and then practiced with the shinai. It is always fascinating how much the weapons relate to the empty hand technics. In the class we examined taking uke’s center. With shinai you can really whack them into each other since they have a bamboo center and one thing I noticed for me, was that when I was going for the cut, if I missed my target (uke’s shinai) I would lose my balance. I would become so fixated on “making “contact happen with the shinai that when his/her shinai wasn’t where I expected, my center was thrown off as I missed. For me, make the proper cut and remain balanced regardless of the outcome. If contact is made great, if not, great but remain centered and balanced. A good lesson in life actually, remain balanced and centered regardless of the circumstances.

Wednesday is Aikido and Zendo time at the dojo for me. I appreciate the combination of working on the martial side and then to have the introspection of the meditation. During the meditation class Sensei takes part of the time to share a lesson with us which is followed by a discussion with the Sanga (participant community). The discussion is always interesting to hear the different perspectives of what other people heard and it usually helps me to understand the lesson better following this discussion. I believe that the central message that I received from the class was that opposites are unified. One might fail to see the connection between the physical nature of what we do on the mat versus the introspective quality of what happens in the Zendo and yet the two are closely united. Also the importance of zazen meditation. There was a phrase that Sensei used last night about the mind that I can’t recall at this time but it has to do with allowing the mind and spirit to teach us and guide us. The knowledge of what we need to grow is inside of all of us and it is a matter of being sensitive enough to listen and hear it. Zazen helps one to find that way by serving as a mirror to a person’s spirit.

Again, these are just some impressions of my experiences and these thoughts are open for discussion. There are times I wish I could take notes during class but I believe that this “Way” is more about understanding through experience. When someone asks me what is Aikido, I often just say come watch a class and even better get on the mat.

That is all for now. Peace.

The Maestro

1 comment:

  1. Chelsea -

    Nice posts, thank you for this. See if you can add a pic of yourself in your Gi for these...

    - Jay
