Space: the final frontier

Pretty good for a cheesy TV show. But perhaps it should read more like this:

"Space: the only frontier.
These are the voyages of the awakened:
To seek out and explore their own life form, 
To boldly go where they've ever gone before."

Let me explain. Consider matter: all of it, form solids to liquids to gases is simply a bunch of cells bound together by gravity; more dense in the case of lead and less with helium. Since they make up all matter, what then is a cell? Quite simply, a cell has a membrane, a nucleus, and some protons and electrons. But when observed under a microscope these four elements are dwarfed by the space in which they exist. So, if all matter from lead to helium is mostly space, and humans are carbon based life forms, this means that we too are mostly space. Quite interesting when one considers that a human being completely sheds it's cellular structure every seven years much like a snake shedding it's skin every few months. This means that the person you are today is physically one hundred percent different than the one you were seven years ago. 
So what is it that makes you you? The answer is that you are the space within your cells. This is the part that never changes. This is the common thread that connects us to everything else. This is the Holy Spirit: God within you. This is what was and what always will be. This is what can not be destroyed because it was never created. This is you and all. The Buddhists express it thus: "One. Just one. That's it."
This is what one tries to realize through keiko. Uke exhales and becomes empty and concentrates their life-space into a laser-like beam of energy for nage to inhale and merge with and then redirect. So in keiko one is not really working on their own physicality but rather the space within it. The only thing that matters is what matter tries to contain, but can't. This is why Aikido, not Ai-body-do. The way of merging our souls with the Universal spirit. When one sees the truth, that there is space within everything, and that space is all there really is, then things will appear as they really are: infinite.
So in closing, I'd like to end with a quote from another cheesy space show. This one takes place during another keiko a long, long time ago... in a galaxy far, far away...

"Size matters not.
Look at me.
Judge me by my size, do you?
...And well you should not, for my ally is the Force...
And a powerful ally it is.
Life creates it...
Makes it grow.
It's energy surrounds us...
Combines us.
Luminous beings are we.
Not this crude matter.
You must feel the Force around you.
Here... between you, me...
The rock, the tree, everywhere.
Even between the land and the ship."

- Master Yoda


  1. It should be noted that Taisho has become a regular at the Thursday evening dojo socials. Activation of your inner blogger can happen too!

    See you all on the Mat!


  2. Disclaimer: The comments made by Taisho may not necessarily reflect the views and philosophies of Shobu Aikido of Ohio or its chief instructor, Jay Chikyo Weik Sensei. Nevertheless, we at the Toledo Aikido Community Blog welcome any comments, thoughts or opinions, whether or not they make any sense. Gassho.

  3. Well, either the call of the Jedi Master or the Space drew me to your blog tonight, or perhaps, it was my inner Yoda. So often I hear that we as humans are 90% water. This is the first time I heard the analogy to space. It made so much sense to me. Truly beautifully said.

    Thank you so much and many blessings.

  4. ok science fans, instead of 'cells' i should have said 'atoms.' thanks andre! ;)

  5. Taisho, we appreciate your candor and gladly accept your editorial correction. You, sir, are truly indeed an asset to this company. Continue to keep your feet on the ground and keep reaching for the stars. Gassho.

  6. Actually, Taisho, I was kind of thinking you had used 'cell' on is a stretch, but just think of the atom with electrons whizzing around ( like the cell wall) and in the middle are protons and neutrons (the nucleus). So even if we are mostly water, as the lady states, there is still a huge amount of 'space' in us, both at the cellular level and especially at the atomic level.

  7. exactly chuck! while i was typing the image i had in mind was that of a cell, which implies form surrounding space, but as andre pointed out, it didn't quite make sense. so i thought i'd better change it in order to 'close the gaps' in my theory, so to speak. thanks again to everyone who helped me work out the kinks; much appreciated!
