My Martial Journey

Happy Holidays All,

We had a very interesting advanced Aikido class last night. Danny and Doug worked with me on ukemi and how to move more efficiently from the center. It got me really thinking what is ukemi and how to receive from the hara. Not an easy thing to do. So much of good ukemi is staying connected and being aware and prepared to fill an opening if one is presented by nage while moving. They were talking to me about having heavy hara on light feet. Again not so easy because of the paradoxical nature of heavy and light in the same body. But I find this to be the case in many Aikido concepts, Heaven and Earth, water and fire mudra, and so on.

And the other aspect that we worked in class were kokyu throws and the importance of getting uke off balance by taking the center. Of course timing is very important but this also develops Kime or spirit. A belief that this particular approach in dealing with this conflict will result in a resolution. Especially with the kokyu technics this is absolutely key to them effecting uke’s center. It was good food for thought.


The Maestro

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