
Just five days to Christmas. I did some Christmas shopping today but not before heading to keiko practice this morning at Shobu. It was chilly in the dojo this morning and the body was achy but once we got into the business at hand it is amazing how the body gets the job done.

Today we examined a cousin of ikkyo. The attack that we used included kata tori (lapel grab) and katate tori (single hand) grab. The connection point was an interesting aspect that we needed to move toward (irimi) the attack in order to maintain the proper connection. Seisei made several references to jiu jutsu and grabbing. What we want to maintain in our Aikido practice is connection rather than grabbing uke’s wrist or arm when doing the technic. This requires one to really be sensitive to where you and uke are in order to maintain proper connection. This has to do with the ittai (one point) and that we can create a vortex or an empty space to draw uke into. Connection is the responsibility of nage and uke to maintain.

Connection in life is important and maintaining a healthy connection with the important people in our lives. During this time of the year it is important that there is a spirit of gratitude for the many blessings that are bestowed upon us. The relationship between uke and nage is a relationship where one needs the other. I think that it is interesting that we say onegaishimasu (please do this for me) when we partner up. To me, it signifies a spirit that this person is allowing me use their body for some Aikido technic in order for me to grow in the art and I respond in kind to help them with their growth offering my body and ability. It is a wonderful gift that I receive from my partner in order to grow in the way. I wish all of the people at Shobu, their families and the important people in their lives a happy and safe holiday. See you all in the new year!

Peace to all,

The Maestro

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