Spring Time Renewal

It was a beautiful morning at the dojo Saturday. It was blue skies and we had the garage door open to get some fresh air and fresh ki circulating throughout the dojo. With spring comes renewal. We had Gleason Sensei to lead the last Gashuku here several weeks ago. Gleason Sensei is someone who is constantly examining and deconstructing the art of Aikido to find new perspectives. Finding the real Aiki is very difficult in Aiki-do. We often focus on the “do” part of Aikido. The “do” part referring to the physical side of the art which is very important as this is a martial art. But discovering the Aiki is very elusive. For me there are several aspects that are important in Aikido:

Kokyu, breathing
Ma-ai or distance between uke and tori
Kuzushi, unbalancing uke
Zanshin, staying attentive until the end of the technic
Aiki, which seems to be a unification of energy

These five elements must work in harmony to have an understanding of the martial side of Aikido. I am sure there are more elements but these are the five that I keep coming back to in my training. There is also the spiritual, Zen aspects of the art that remain elusive to me and the use of ki energy. At Shobu, since Gleason Sensei’s visit we have been looking at a different approach to hara, stances, hips, and waist movement. It is both fascinating and challenging. It is nice to take a fresh look at the old as it becomes new again. Much like the renewal that comes with Spring. More ramblings from the Maestro and ALWAYS open for discussion. Have a great week all.


  1. Indeed, I can also vouch for how wonderful it is to look at something old as something new. This is how I find myself as I am beginning my own martial journey at Shobu. Having trained at another school and another way of Aikido, I am finding that what I thought I knew I didn't really know. There are new concepts, emphases and the like. Aikido is Aikido but how it is "spoken" can differ greatly.

    I think you are spot on with your five points of Aikido. I don't believe any more points are necessary. At least given my current level of understanding....which really isn't all that great.

    Looking forward to working with you on the mat.

  2. Rolf,

    You are a wonderful addition to the school. It is great that you are open to adding to what you have already learned. Looking forward to seeing you on the mat.

    Peace Brother,

