A Beginner's Mind

A Beginner’s mind is something that we should all strive to maintain in our lives.  That does not mean that we come to class and forget everything we have learned in the past but rather to be in a state of openness to learn and grow.  At keiko practice this Saturday morning we had three students just beginning their way with our Aikido school.  Christian, Donovan and Heather did a wonderful job working to understand Aikido at the start of their journey.  When I look at them make their way down the path it reminds me of when I began 5 years ago and that we should all strive to approach our time on the mat with the mind of a beginner.  Open and without ego to absorb new concepts, ways of thinking, people, and movements. 


We are currently in a cycle of testing preparation for the dojo.  It is a wonderful time when we especially work to help each other grow in a more concentrated effort.  The newer folks learn from the upper ranks and as an upper rank, I ALWAYS realize how difficult it is to verbalize and to help someone learn a particular technic.  But we make our way and I ALWAYS come away from sharing, with a better understanding of what we were working on.  The learning definitely goes both ways!

In music we say if you really want to learn to conduct try teaching someone to conduct.  That is when you really realize you don’t know what you are doing!  The gift in teaching is similar to meditation to me in the sense teaching really acts as a mirror to what you know (or think you know).  It is like the beginner’s mind all over again.

In class this morning we focused on making a connection with uke (one who receives the technic) through katate tori (single hand grab) and morote tori (two hand grab to tori’s one arm).  Once that connection is made then tori (the one executing the technic) can shape the direction on how things can go.  So much of Aikido is about relaxation and being able to sense uke’s intention.  It was great to see our new friends connect, relax, sweat, and smile through the course of the morning.  The mat is a great learning space for us to learn about ourselves as well as others. The relationship between uke and tori is one that allows growth for both as long both are present and mindful in the moment.    But first we must bring the “Beginner’s Mind” and to have our hearts open to receive the gifts offered. 


The Maestro