Space......The Final Frontier

It was a nice to be on the mat moving after hanging in the extreme humidity of Texas for a spell.  I always feel that the dojo centers me when life starts going in numerous directions.

Speaking of numerous directions, Sensei began the class with a series of exercises with the staff jo.  It examined how to remain centered in the midst of chaos moving around us.  We were “twirling” the jo like a baton but our hand ideally would always remain in the contact with the jo as it turns.  So we were never throwing the jo in the air like a baton there was always a connection to the weapon with the hand. 

The title of today’s post is “Space …. The Final Frontier”(and the new Star Trek Film opened last weekend, YEAH) because while were doing this and everyone’s jo is spinning, we had to move and walk.  Oh yeah, and not hit each other and drop the jo while doing all of this.  It was important that we remain centered in our own space otherwise we might whack ourselves or one of our friends on the mat.  We had to maintain and take care of our own space.  The other element that I noticed in doing this was that this movement needed to germinate from the hara.  When this happened it would seem as the though the jo would have an engine and generate its movement on its own.  Sensei said that we mustn’t try to “make” the jo move but allow the movement to come from our center and waist.  When this was done properly, it would appear that there was very little movement being made on the outside of our bodies but it would create a dynamic movement from the jo.  It is kind of like driving a car at 60 miles per hour, the slightest movement from the steering wheel can have a DRAMATIC influence on the car.  

Much of Aikido is about managing space in a relaxed fashion and when my “Wow, I haven’t dropped my jo” mind entered the picture I would immediately um, well, let me see,  drop my jo.  With this jo exercise, it is imperative that one stays as relaxed as possible even though there are so many things happening around you.  In the craziness of Randori (tori is attacked by multiple ukes) with all of the energy and attacks coming tori must remain centered, calm, and in control of their breathing.  The other issue is to create constant movement with the jo similar to cursive writing, a constant flow. No corners or edges to the movement of the jo. This principle is found in the empty hand technic in Aikido.  We then put the jo away and examined how this principle is expressed in Ikkyo (first technic).    It is funny that sometimes we begin the class and I just don’t “get it” but like any martial art, if you stay present in the class and the long arc of martial training AND have a good teacher then the understanding of what and why we do certain things in class will eventually arrive. 

Well, that is all for now.  Have a great rest of the week.  I will bid you goodbye in the words of the great philosopher Dr. Spock, Live Long and Prosper!

The Maestro

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