What a weekend...

Well if you don't know by now, Gleason Sensei, was in town this past weekend. Whenever Sensei makes a trip into town it always seem to leave me, as well as others, incredibly humbled and with a list of a lot of stuff to work on to improve my aikido training. This weekend was no different!!! But this weekend was unlike any other in the fact that I was testing for shodan, and Doug was testing for nidan. As if it wasn't intimidating enough just taking ukemi from Gleason Sensei, I was tasked with testing in front of him. Needless to say I was quite frightened. The test went very well and both Doug and myself passed!!!! I cannot write in words what an honor it is to be the first to test for shodan in front of someone from our direct lineage of aikido instructors.
This accomplishment does not belong to just me though. Our dojo has seen some good times and some bad times... and no matter what we've become a stronger dojo family from them both. This is not a victory for myself alone, but for all of us. I would not have completed the mountainous task laid in front of me on Saturday evening if it were not for all of you giving your blood, sweat, and ki on the mat with me in the months and years leading up to it. Thank you for the honest feedback, the patience, the impromptu morning test reviews, the dedication in this tough time. For that I am truly grateful.
There has been a lot of new ways presented to us at the dojo recently, and testing in front of Gleason Sensei is another one on that list. Despite the nervousness Friday, the absolute fright on Saturday all day, and the relief and soreness on Sunday, we were all still very victorious. Victorious in the sense that we all made one hell of an effort to take up the gauntlet that Gleason Sensei continually laid down for us this weekend. Even Gleason Sensei this was an "advanced seminar." I can promise you that I will continually add depth to my practice and increase my feeling, as long as I continue to have a great uke backing me up and responding honestly. I know all of you will continue to do the same. Thank you all for this, and for the making the dojo what it is.
Philip Behnfeldt


  1. congratulations fellas! -kline

  2. so phil... you gunna take part in the dojo tradition of shaving your head after shodan? so far, everyone else has done it...

  3. Ahh, but let us not forget the last two shodans before have not fulfilled the bargain. Mulvaney doesn't count he always has his hair unbelievably short anyways.

  4. i guess that's a no, then... what a shame... what a shame...

  5. Dude, I passed by the dojo earlier today and I don't see your head shaved off?? What the heck, Phil-san?! Keep in mind that Taisho, Katsujin, and myself were members of THE first Shodan class. After we passed, we all made a pact to shave our heads, and we hoped and expected that this ritual would be upheld in our dojo for many generations. Never mind Mulvaney and Robert; their fates are already sealed. Remember that your brown belt was handed down from one of us. So be a good role model to your newborn daughter and don't wuss out on us!

    Anyways, congratulations to both of you, Taisho and Phil! I regret that my legs left me unable to take ukemi for both of your tests. Oh well see you on the mat. Gassho.


  6. ahh yes tradition. Some would say that when generation choses to blatantly disregard the "tradition' sent out before them from their ancestors- then the tradition has died. If Robert and Mike choose to resurrect this then I will be more than happy to oblige. I thought this blog was for actively training members of the Dojo!!!! HA-just kidding. No I will get cut mulvaney short, but cannot shave it due to my phrenologist's nightmare of a skull.

  7. showing your "phrenologist's nightmare of a skull" is the point, phil... :)
