Gleason Sensei and the New Shodans

What a great weekend we had with Gleason Sensei! As always I feel like a beginner (as in newbie as opposed to simply having a beginner's mind) whenever he comes to town. Many new concepts, different techniques, and deep philosophies were explored with an amazing Shodan test included as a special treat. Congratulations to our newly minted black belts: Andy, Bob ("Tenchi"), and Chelsea! Here are some photos from the gasshuku including our dinner at Sakura, the local hibachi-style Japanese restaurant in Toledo. (Note: In some of the photos there were several cameras taking pictures simultaneously which explains why everyone in the photos is looking at different directions.)

The Muketsu Brown Belt Lineage. Who will be next to join this exclusive and prestigious club?

Later that evening, Andy honorably restored our dojo's Shodan tradition (please refer to the 12/23/06 posting). Tenchi followed suit the following day as one can see in the later photos. Chelsea apparently has had a head start even before he started Aikido (pun not intended, or was it?) :p

The Two New Shodans:

The Two Senseis:

The Two Docs:

The Two Maestros:

And the Tradition Lives On...