Toledo Zen Center Community Retreat

After considering all the input we recieved, it has been decided that the later weekend,December 12-13-14, will work best for most of the Toledo Zen Center Sangha.

Check in time will be from 5-6pm on Friday the 12th. We will need some volunteers to help with zendo set up and other retreat prep work earlier in the day as well. The retreat will close Sunday after lunch.

Fees for the weekend are twofold. Lourdes College requires $20 total for your room, and a share in the fees for the Conference room and Kitchen. These fees will total around $150 and will be divided equally between all retreat participants. Dana for the teachings are made out to the Toledo Zen Center and are on a sliding scale. Recomended donation for the weekend is $100. Lastly, there will be responsibilities to take care of food for the weekend. Retreatants will be asked to contribute some food items. Do'on will be coordinating the kitchen.

The daily schedule and outline for the weekend will be posted in the comming days.

Interested Aikidoka who have attended the wednesday evening Zen Center meetings may register by adding a comment at the TZC web site ( or conecting with myself or Do'on in the zendo.

We are so looking forward to this adventure together, thank you for your practice.


- Rinsen and Do'on

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