Toledo Zen Center Community Weekend Retreat

At long last, we have found a location for our Toledo Zen Center Sangha to hold our first overnight retreat. The retreat will be held at Lourdes College in Regina Hall. There are two possible dates that would work, December 5-6-7 and Dec 12-13-14. Please leave a comment as to which of these dates are possible for you to attend. I expect that check in will be between 5-6pm on friday with a light supper and zendo set up from 6-7. The retreat sessions will start at 7pm. The schedule for the rest of this Zen retreat is in development, but you can expect lots of Zendo time with liturgy, talks and deepening of the our Zen practice. Any Aikidoka is welcome to join in if this is something you are interested in developing.

The fees at Lourdes are more than reasonable. They are asking $10 per person per night for lodging - this includes your own private bedroom. The kitchen will cost us $12 per day, and the conference room that we will use as our Zendo will cost $50 per day. We will be responsible to bring and prepare our own food, and Do'on will be coordinating these efforts. Dana for the TZC is on a sliding scale, with a suggested donation of $50 per day. Scholarships are available for those who may need them. The days are calculated thusly: 1/2 day on Friday and 1/2 day on Sunday plus 1 full day on Saturday.

Please let us know which of these dates may work for you by commenting below and we will get this set up soon.


- Jay Rinsen

1 comment:

  1. Rob from Canada here; both dates work very well for me. Count me in regardless of which it turns out to be.
